Julian Nadeau

Software Developer & University Instructor

Selected Highlights

DCS Industry Day
Event • 2021
DCS Industry Day

Founded and organized the "Department of Computer Science Industry Day". We're bringing in developers, data scientists, product managers, recruiters and other leading professionals from the industry to help students find jobs, internships, and network.

CSC491/2600 Instructor
Teaching • 2019-Present
CSC491/2600 Instructor

University of Toronto’s Capstone Design Course through the Department of Computer Science Innovation Lab (DCSIL). This course exposes students to the core technologies, ideas, and processes in developing a startup.

Avoiding Cognitive Overload
Public Speaking • 2019
Avoiding Cognitive Overload

This is a shortened, re-written talk from my RubyKaigi 2018 talk. This presentation focused on testing, proper error messages, and JIT-based education. Delivered at DevOps TO 2019.

Avoiding Cognitive Overload
Public Speaking • 2018
Avoiding Cognitive Overload

A presentation on cognitive burdens of developers and strategies to mitigate these concerns, primarily in Ruby. Delivered at RubyKaigi 2018 in Sendai, Japan

Git Issues at Scale
Public Speaking • 2018
Git Issues at Scale

A presentation on issues experienced in large git repoistories, particularly around cloning, pulling, and fetching. Delivered at GitHub Constellation 2018 in Toronto, Canada.

Busting Performance Bottlenecks
Public Speaking • 2017
Busting Performance Bottlenecks

A presentation on decreasing Ruby Boot time by 60% and work in the Bundler project. Delivered at RubyKaigi 2017 in Hiroshima, Japan

Code For Kids
Not-For-Profit • 2013-2015
Code For Kids

Code For Kids was a Not For Profit (NFP) corporation that aimed to teach children aged 7-13 the basics of coding, technology and design. Founder 2013-2015.

Blog Posts

Improving how we deploy GitHub
github.blog • January 25, 2021
Improving how we deploy GitHub

As GitHub doubled it’s developer head count, tooling that worked for us no longer functioned in the same capacity. We aimed to improve the de...

Graphing 1000 repositories to identify key project types
dev.to • Apr 26, 2019
Graphing 1000 repositories to identify key project types

What do you do when you need to identify a set of repos to test some big changes against, but you have a thousand to choose from? Answer: Bre...

The common edge case all dependency managers miss
dev.to • Apr 18, 2019
The common edge case all dependency managers miss

Most dependency managers miss a very common "edge case" that impacts all developers. Let's look at why this is the case and a solution to add...

The Future of Developer Environments at Shopify
devproductivity.github.io • January 14, 2018
The Future of Developer Environments at Shopify

In the previous posts we talked about our past experiences with Artisinal Systems, Boxen, and Vagrant as well as our current system using Rai...

Current Developer Environments at Shopify
devproductivity.github.io • January 14, 2018
Current Developer Environments at Shopify

In a previous post, we discussed the systems we have had throughout the history of Shopify. In this follow up post we'll talk about the syste...

Historical Developer Environments at Shopify
devproductivity.github.io • January 14, 2018
Historical Developer Environments at Shopify

Development operations at Shopify has a long history that winds its way through various systems, technologies, and iterations. Over the cours...

Secrets Management in iOS Applications
medium.com • Dec 27, 2016
Secrets Management in iOS Applications

Secrets in iOS applications can be a bit of an issue, especially when you intend to make a project public. The problem here is that there is ...

How to Set Up Your Own Mobile CI System
shopify.engineering • June 15, 2016
How to Set Up Your Own Mobile CI System

Building a Dynamic Mobile CI System." Over the past few years the mobile development community has seen a dramatic shift towards the use...

Homebrew, Ruby, and Gems
medium.com • Apr 11, 2016
Homebrew, Ruby, and Gems

This article assumes you’ve read the main article already. As well as the provisioning a Mac article.By now, you have Mac OS X all setup and ...

Xcode, iOS SDKs, and iOS Simulators for CI Systems
medium.com • Apr 10, 2016
Xcode, iOS SDKs, and iOS Simulators for CI Systems

This article assumes you’ve read the main article already.Given that Xcode is required for iOS, both Xcode and iOS SDKs are important for an ...

Provisioning a Mac OS X system for iOS CI
medium.com • Apr 10, 2016
Provisioning a Mac OS X system for iOS CI

Make sure you take a look at the intro article first.Two ground rules — you must legally use Apple-branded hardware. This is a requirement in...

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